Screw the Uninsured working class poor let them get a job!

There are so many American citizens that will recite that they have made it and have a home and health insurance. They will often say that the uninsured are not their problem and they do not want to pay increased taxes to deal with the 46 million uninsured Americans. They will say that they worked hard to get what they have and the uninsured are lazy and need to get a job so they will quite complaining all the time.

There is a problem with this argument as disease knows no Socio-Economic boundaries and these diseases will infect anyone regardless of wealth or stature. Diseases only want to infect, grow, mutate, multiply and live on to infect another host without regard to social stature. So for those Americans who say I have mine the hell with the poor, remember that by not addressing the healthcare crisis you or your child may die. Read more of this post

The United States of America and the Functional Illiterates who contribute to its Decline

Functional illiteracy in the United States is growing at a rate of over 2 million new inductees per year into its ranks and the tide will only grow stronger if current educational policies are not changed to address the problem. The Presidential legislation of No Child Left Behind is not working and the country as a whole is now and will in the future suffer the consequences.

Statistics show that functional illiterates in this country;

  1. Constitute 70% of the prisoners in state and federal prisons
  2. That 85% of juvenile offenders are classified as functionally or marginally illiterate
  3. That 43% of those with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty
  4. Over 42 million American adults can’t read
  5. 50 million read at fourth or fifth grade levels
  6. That the total number of functionally illiterate adults increases by approximately 2.25 million persons every single year Read more of this post

Veto of Children’s Health Insurance Program, screw’s 6 million children

Over 43 million American people lack health insurance including 6 million children or 9% of our young adults in the USA.

It was six years into his presidency before George W Bush grabbed his Veto pen and today was another instance. However when he Vetoed this bill it was behind closed doors with no media or news coverage, I for one would imagine he was ashamed and attempting to hide from the world this day.

The bipartisan bill approved by the Senate was veto proof, yet the House of Representatives lacked the needed votes to override this miscarriage of justice on our fellow Americans, including 6 million children.

The cost of the bill would have been funded by 61 cents to a dollar per pack tax on cigarettes. I for one smoke and would welcome another reason to quit this disgusting habit which has killed millions.

George W Bush has not used his Veto pen with regularity as he has mostly gotten what he wanted and the then Republican controlled congress gave it to him with a gleam in their eyes. But now the stakes have changed and he is further distancing himself from the American people he swore to protect and serve.

He has only grabbed his little buddy the Veto Pen four times during his presidency. If it’s not about making money foreign bases or oil fields, well you just can’t seem to get his interest it seems.

Embryonic Stem cell research, Troop withdrawals, easing restraints on federally funded stem cell research…NO NO NO

I have one grown daughter and she has health insurance, I also have a conscience and compassion for the 43 million American citizens and the 6 million children of this nation who do not have health insurance.

What about you?

To the Bush Administration Governor Corzine of New Jersey will sue over SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program)

October 1, 2007

Governor Jon S. Corzine stated today in part:

“SCHIP is an unqualified bipartisan success in New Jersey and in states across the nation, and the Bush Administration’s determination to pursue a course of action that will harm our children’s health is incomprehensible. This same Administration previously signed off on our decision to cover the 10,000 kids they are now seeking to kick out of SCHIP, and the lawsuit we filed today demonstrates that we will simply not let that happen. Washington should be a partner to states that are trying to cover more children, not an opponent, and I urge the President to reverse course, withdraw the letter, and sign the bipartisan legislation before him.” Read more of this post