Irag Part I another end did the USA learn anything?

Another conflict brought about by the USA is about to end and the question is have we learned anything from these two engagements?

The first gulf war was about nothing but OIL of that there can be little doubt. This engagement was fought at a monetary cost of $60 billion of which the government of Saudi Arabia paid $36 billion or more than half. Within 100 hours a ceasefire was declared as the ill-equiped Iraq was no match for the aerial bombardment and ground forces mounted against them. It was a short lived conflict which occurred between August 2, 1990 and February 2, 1991.

Iraq had reasons economic and historical in regards to Kuwait as Kuwait was Iraqi territory prior to British Colonialism. They also had issues with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait who had helped to fund the Iraq war with Iran. You wonder how Saddam Hussein got some of those so-called weapons of mass destruction? The USA in seeing that Iraq was winning the conflict with Iran had begun to covertly supply Saddam Hussein in the early 1980’s as they wished to be on the winning side of this engagement

As with much of the Middle East and large chunks of Europe after World War I and II the superpowers America, Britain and Russia had arbitrarily carved up new nations and reduced others drastically. These little chess games of the superpowers have created many of the ongoing and past wars since with the oil rich Middle East suffering the most.

Britain which desperately tried to hold on to what little control it had the oil revenues being at the top of their list did not make matters any better. This little game of playing with the lives of other countries did not end in this arena until 1963. Still having governments accept new lines in their peoples nations does not mean that there will not be trouble later. As the British had attempted to strangle Iraq so that they could not compete with their oil and British dominance did not exactly make the Iraqi people trustworthy of outside occupiers.

So on August 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait and within 48 hours they had succeeded in taking the country which was once theirs prior to British Colonialism.

From the beginning the USA called for unilateral withdrawal by the Iraqi army disregarding the Arab League and it’s neighbors. Mostly this was all politically driven with some economics only important to the US thrown in.

As a foot note: This was also the time during which the USA had begun to amass on Saudi Arabian soil with airbases and troops. This would begin the birth of a new threat in coming years. Osama Bin Laden did not take kindly to American Imperialism as well as others.

Iraq made a number of proposals to the USA during this period one of which talked about Banning WMD’s in all of the Middle East. Of course the USA totally disregarded out of hand any negotiations. Even if these agreements or negotiations would benefit the entire world not just the USA. Again the US staunchly held it’s position towards Iraq leave Kuwait and then we might talk, that is when you have no leverage Saddam.

So even after multiple countries had proposed various agreements the British, USA and the Soviets had condemned them out of hand. As is shown again this first war was about nothing but OIL. Famine, drought and death in other countries was of little importance OIL ruled the day now as it did then.

There were also those False Pentagon satellite photos which showed a massive force of Iraqi military and tanks which were used to strengthen the call to arms, however again these proved to be lies. A newspaper publication acquired photos of the same time which showed nothing but an empty desert.

President George H Bush said, ““Within three days, 120,000 Iraqi troops with 850 tanks had poured into Kuwait and moved south to threaten Saudi Arabia. It was then that I decided to act to check that aggression.”

Of course Kuwait got involved hiring a public relations firm in the USA to call for an armed intervention and many millions of dollars were spent on that angle.

There were also the concerns of Saddam’s use of WMD he had been at war with Iran for around 10 years during which the US had supplied him albeit covertly with weapons. So they would have probably had a good idea what they had sold him now wouldn’t they?

There was the meeting with the US Congress set up by the public relations firm with a group of Iraqis’ to push even harder for US intervention, was this by chance or carefully orchestrated propaganda to help sell a war to the American people as would be done in the future.

However it was latter found out that the most damming testimony given was nothing but a Lie the woman who gave the testimony was not even living in Kuwait at the time and was also a member of the Kuwait Royal Family. The American public had been duped again by their own government of course this was not to be a new phenomenon.

Of  course this did not stop George H Bush from repeating these lies to the American public via Television, why would the American public not believe him.

The aerial bombardment began on January 17th 1991 with over 100,000 sorties and 88,500 tons of bombs. This of course destroyed much of Saddam’s military however it also destroyed leagues more of civilian Infrastructure all in the name of OIL. Most of these sorties originated from Saudi Arabia as US airbases which would become permanent in the ensuing years hosted them.

Iraq had declared with no ambiguity that if attacked it would commence SCUD missile attacks against Israel and of course it did. However the Israeli’s did not counterattack at the request of the USA. If they had this would have thrown a wrench in the works as other Arab nations would not have any part as being perceived as fighting along with the Israeli’s. For forty years the Israeli’s had a policy of retaliation yet that never occurred during this conflict only showing that the USA’s control of Israel during this period.

The ground battle during this first conflict were wholeheartedly in favor of the coalition another argument that the Pentagon’s intelligence photos were false there was little if any resistance.

On February 1991 the Iraqi’s were retreating en-mass as this had been guaranteed by the coalition that if retreating they would not be attacked. However contrary to the agreement the retreating Iraqi’s were obliterated on the, “Highway of Death”. While during the conflict the coalition had encountered little resistance and few causalities.

The war or engagement was over hostilities had ceased and the generals met the Iraqi’s and Kurds had been told to overthrow Saddam Hussein and to this end they were trying. An Iraqi General requested that they be allowed to use helicopters as much of their infrastructure had been destroyed. He went further and asked for Armed helicopters which amazingly was approved by a US General. The Iraqi’s then turned those Armed helicopters against their own people who were attempting to overthrow Saddam yet no help came.

In 1992 Dick Cheney made this quote;

I would guess if we had gone in there, we would still have forces in Baghdad today. We’d be running the country. We would not have been able to get everybody out and bring everybody home. And the final point that I think needs to be made is this question of casualties. I don’t think you could have done all of that without significant additional U.S. casualties, and while everybody was tremendously impressed with the low cost of the (1991) conflict, for the 146 Americans who were killed in action and for their families, it wasn’t a cheap war. And the question in my mind is, how many additional American casualties is Saddam (Hussein) worth? And the answer is, not that damned many. So, I think we got it right, both when we decided to expel him from Kuwait, but also when the President made the decision that we’d achieved our objectives and we were not going to go get bogged down in the problems of trying to take over and govern Iraq.

Yet Millions of Kurds fled Iraq and over 400,000 were expelled and an untold number of deaths occurred. Even as radio broadcasts implored them to revolt against Saddam Hussein and overthrow the government via CIA run radio stations outside of the conflict. Where were we then where will we be the next time?

Did we enter this first Iraq engagement with false intelligence, Yes

Did our President make false statements to the American public, Yes

FAIR USE NOTICE: This blog may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.

THE IMPORTANCE OF BOARD CERTIFICATION! A Beginning Series of Posts in regards to Medicine today!

Is your doctor Board-Certified?

Are you aware you can check this as every state in the USA has a government website available for you to check.

From this you can research the doctor’s educational background along with their academic achievements, hospital privileges, Board-Certifications as well as any disciplinary actions within the last ten years.

All state governments have a website to check on your prospective doctor. In Florida just type; fla state medical license check. From there enter the doctors name it’s always a good idea to do a five minute check ahead of time to get good quality care.

If a medical doctor graduates from medical school with No Fellowships (specialties) there medical education stopped the day they left medical school and after their residencies.

To make sure you are getting good quality care five minutes of your time will be more than worth it.

I would strongly advise that you Never see a specialist who is not Board-Certified in their chosen specialty. This certification shows that the physician has had continuing education and is up on the latest treatment protocols. What works and what isn’t so rather then spending months and getting no good results or becoming sicker and possible progressing to a terminal state or worse. It’s always better to check out & verify you have chosen the best you can find in your area who will also accept your insurance.

You can also find out if your prospective physicians is what is called in the trade a “Procedural Doctor” not a good sign. If you are admitted hospitals will and do refer their inpatients to Non-Board Certified doctors. Some Gastroenterologists are known for this, your doctors history might show that they have hospital privileges at 3 or more hospitals. Many are not Board-Certified, their income is made by performing procedures not seeing patients at their practice. Many who have outdated medial education more bad signs.

Procedural Doctors take a little more research however this can be easily done. You can check on their practice and how many patients they see annually, low numbers are a cause for concern.

If you find a Procedural Doctor, promptly turn around and head the other way.

This is also why I strongly Advise that if possible have a Patient Advocate if you spend anytime even just hours at a facility. If educated just minimally they can remember to ask questions and watch out for you during your stay. Everyone is thrown a little off guard by hospital and medical settings so an Advocate is worth their weight in gold.

How many malpractice claims has the physician had more than 2 or 3 in ten years is a cause for concern. Where did they go to medical school, where did they do their Fellowship (specialty training) or residency. How many Academic appointments have they received? Are they affiliated with a teaching hospital or university (A Very Big Plus!).

During most occurrences you will be able to ask the hospital what specialist they are referring you to and whether they are Board-Certified? If they are not you have the right to ask the question, refuse that doctor and ask for only a Board-Certified doctor. This will not create a delay in your care however it will provide for a more thorough productive procedure with better treatment protocols and in the end a healthier patient. You are paying for this adventure Please be prepared have a friend act as your advocate if needed.

Your advocate should have the time available to spend 8-10hrs a day with you. Having an advocate involved will Greatly Benefit and Enhance your stay which should produce a more promising outcome to a stressful experience. If your dressings are not being changed, your medications are not being distributed in a timely manner, etc. All of these situations can be tactfully handled by your Patient Advocate. Believe it or not I was hospitalized with a condition that affects over 5 million American citizens per year. Yet I had to call and instruct their dietetic staff on what foods I should not be given among other aspects. Even after speaking with their dietetic staff they still immediately sent me food that would only have made my condition deteriorate and potentially worsen via additional infections (Bezoars). Again this occurred after they were instructed on the proper diet for the condition. This was a large urban hospital in one of the largest metropolitan areas of the USA. It took them a full 3 days to finally get my diet correctly addressed and this was No Exotic condition 5 million US citizens suffer from this annually yet it took a Major metropolitan hospital 3 days to feed a patient the proper food, Unbelievable but True.

Trust me from real life experiences a Board-Certified physician and a Patient Advocate can prove to be a real life saver if you are hospitalized.

Learn to research via easily accessible Internet resources take notes before your doctor’s visit. In today’s world of medicine 5-10 minute doctor visits Do Not Provide comprehensive medical treatment. Just because someone has graduated medical school does not make them GOD, so don’t expect them to be, ask questions, get a second opinion.

Educate yourself and those that you might call upon during a medical emergency.

While medicine has found outstanding cures and treatments for various diseases in recent history. Medicine along with the patient care on the whole in the last 15-20 years has fallen dangerously low on the tree for which patients suffer the consequences. There are now many doctor’s practicing who are in fact Dangerous. However as many of you possibly have experienced physicians will not speak the truth about their colleagues (they never do). It is Your job to educate yourself and those that you love, if you fail to do so it will be at your own peril or possibly a loved one or child.

Be assertive ask questions and be ready to say NO or to point out poor medical care. While even at the hospital you have the right to call for the Attending Physician (doctor on duty) to voice your concerns. You the patient have Rights, exercise them believe it or not many hospitals will respond appropriately to an assertive patient or Patient Advocate. More often than not you will receive better care then the patient who allows themselves to be treated like livestock at a farm.

Also be aware that numerous tests are performed only to protect the doctor and have nothing to do with your medical condition, treatment or outcome. If you are being scheduled for a test ask what it has to do with you care. On the other hand are you aware of the thousands of Perfectly Good Gall Bladders that are removed daily because physician fail to perform a simple HIDA exam to confirm their diagnosis. Often many doctors do not perform this non-invasive procedure. Patients then endure an invasive surgical procedure as well as having the possibility of a Post-Op infection kill them or contribute to the deterioration of their condition, all because a licensed medical professional failed to do their job. Ask questions, during a recent stay myself over two days I requested over ten times to be weighed. This was because of the fact that I was to be anesthetized and the anesthesiologist needs this important information as it is Crucial. Even though I continually tried to get my weight charted this never occurred, why, well I truly have no answer. Someone however entered false data on a medical chart and even after notifying the hospital of this no action whatsoever was taken. Because of this failure to get my proper weight charted I was Over-Anesthetized with propofol an Excellent medication, the patient goes under quite easily and comes out very cleanly. After this procedure this was not the case it took the staff over 20-25 minutes to bring me back around. This after only 2 months earlier the same procedures were done with the same medication from which I awoke Extremely lucid with little or no adverse reactions. It’s also of note that the Non-Board-Certified physician had performed 2 procedures of which only 1 was actually needed. However the doctor was a Procedural Doctor, more procedures equal more money in his pocket. This was verified by a practicing specialist of over 25 years with impeccable credentials who was utterly amazed at what had occurred.

Also remember the saying, ” If there isn’t a picture it didn’t happen”. In medicine, ” If it isn’t Charted it didn’t happen” if there is a problem with your care make sure it is CHARTED. Otherwise it did not happen.

I will be writing more postings on the state of medicine in the coming days that hopefully someone will find useful.

Do your research, Ask questions prepare for the worst that hopefully will never occur. I am not advocating for anyone to become paranoid or obsessive only to use a few minutes on the Internet to become a better educated patient who will receive excellent care during a trying, stressful experience. In the end you or a loved one will be better served for just a few minutes of research.

I only hope for the best outcome for you or a loved during your medical care and experiences.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This blog may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.

Bailout Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, thanks George

It is looking more and more like the Chicago school free market economic policies of Milton Friedman are once again costing the Unites States it’s once cherished market dominance. The policies of the Republican Neo-Con administrations are on a one way ticket to destroy the American dream and the poor people who are not politically connected.

Unless you were born into or inherited enough money to weather the current economic storm you have been feeling the effects of Mr. Friedman and his cronies in the last few months. Billy Kristol of course could care less Friedman is still his idol as well as with the other moneyed and politically connected of his sect.

Friedman believed in almost no government intervention or regulation and that if left to it’s own means the market would correct for any irregularities. As it was posited by Friedman the market had it’s own equilibrium and would adjust and self correct as needed. As history has now shown again this is a severely myopic view with devastating consequences for the public at large.

While the government is only looking at a $300 billion dollar bailout or excuse me extension of credit which the American taxpayer is on the hook for a realistic loss of $30 billion with Fannie and Freddie, the free market does not seem to be correcting itself.

Lax banking standards coupled with lax investment house oversight are digging a hole deeper and deeper for the American taxpayer while the wealthy of this country are still making a killing. Even today with the financial mess that has been created the wealthy investment and banking houses are fighting any government oversight changes to protect the American populace.

The aggressive derivatives and mortgage markets coupled with the greed of banking executives hell bent on destroying the financial lives of it’s customers has brought us to this economic realization. The mortgage brokerages knew that the financial history of their client did not bode well yet they sold them into ARM hell and are now asking for bailouts from the government. Maybe now someone might think that the government should be a little more involved in regulating various industries.

Banks, investment houses and our rapidly deteriorating airline industry, wow this deregulation thing doesn’t seem to have worked out like we were told it would. But not to worry the after all the money has been bleed dry the government will bailout the banks after they destroyed hundreds of thousands of Americans of whatever dreams they may have had.

Yes it does cost money for the government to operate and sometimes they are not the most efficient entity to be found. But at least they will be consistent with their oversight and that is sorely needed right now and into the future. Deregulation was not the best of ideas and re-regulation is the pill we must take to correct for the wild west attitude now in place in the American economic system. The far right will cry no more taxes and Rush Limbaugh will crumble up his papers and yell into his microphone with his daily diatribe.

Well just remember that while we are in a war estimated to cost into the Trillion’s of dollars our President gave tax breaks to the ultra rich even as the dollar declined in value which has contributed to our current state of affairs.

There is little if any regulation in investment houses and mortgage companies with their get rich quick schemes that have sold us down the river for the foreseeable future.

I for one do not enjoy paying taxes either and would prefer the government wasn’t on my back however I will take the financial hit now rather than pay the price we are going to be paying even after I am gone. Rather than just thinking about yourself and screw the rest like the Neo-Con Republican mindset, why not look just a little further ahead and realize the government has to be engaged so that all Americans have a shot at the American Dream.

No you can’t put all of the blame on our current inept disengaged President it took some time to straighten out the lack of policy of the Reagan administration remember the S&L crisis when the leveraged buyouts and hostile takeovers were occuring right under his nose and he did nothing.

Well we finally got on the right track with Clinton in office who besides having some sexual endeavors in office was a great President.

Then came George who didn’t really get the government thing and he just did what his advisers told him to, well those advisers were from the Chicago school and look where we are now. Not to mention we did add fuel to the fire with a trumped up war and our illegal occupation of a couple of foreign nations.

So now the time has come for a change and hopefully we will not re-elect another Bush term under the guise of John McCain I for one don’t think this country can take four more years of failed policies.

So cry over your spilt milk eat some crow and digest some taxes so the dreaded government can step in and try to straighten out this mess again thanks to the Chicago school principles which have failed us again. It might not be what you wanted but at least the American public will get a fair shake even those without moneyed pasts and politically connected pasts.

So ask yourself do you care about your children and their future or do you only care about what is best for you and the rest of the nation be damned.

George W Bush gives Israeli’s Thumb’s up to Bomb Iran!

It has now been reported that President Bush has given the Amber light to the Israeli government to bomb Iran and the operation is expected to occur before his lameduck presidency ends this year.

Immanent is the operative word here as the government of Israel is fearful that a new administration would not allow for such an operation to occur on it’s watch. As Mr. Bush only has a few months left in office the window of oppurtunity is closing and the Israeli government Will strike while they still can and with their airstrike the United States of America will be drawn into another Middle Eastern conflict.

This type of operation has been predicted and while not unexpected it is truly a frightening reality. With gas prices already at all time highs this type of operation against Iran would drive oil prices into the stratosphere. To think that the Iranian government will not attempt some type of retaliation for such an attack is pure fantasy. The Iranians have already threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz a lifeline for the world’s oil exports in the Persian Gulf.

President Bush while giving the Amber light to the Israeli government to bomb Iran has also told them that they will be going it alone and not to expect any US help with it’s operation. However as recently reported with the attributed quote by the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet commander Vice-Adm. Kevin J. Cosgriff, “They will not close it. They will not be allowed to close it,”.

So even while our ever deranged President is telling the Israeli government don’t expect any help from the US his military commanders are presenting another side to the story.

As George has not done so well in Iraq and Afghanistan and the American public has had it’s fill of nation building by the current Neo-Con administration another war front is not within the realm of possiblities as the American people just will not stand for another invasion.

However if the decider doesn’t decide to go to war with Iran but just green lights the Israeli military to do so he can then have his dream fulfilled. It would go something like this, the Israeli’s attack Iran and the Iranians seek retribution by blocking the Strait of Hormuz. Well King George cannot allow the life sustaining oil of the Persian Gulf to be disrupted so he and his corrupt government cronies now have their own green light to attack Iran.

This scenario is not a fantasy as the Iranian government has made it quite clear that if attacked this is exactly what it will do. Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari of Iran has been quoted as saying, “Naturally every country under attack by an enemy uses all its capacity and opportunities to confront the enemy. Regarding the main route for exiting energy, Iran will definitely act to impose control on the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz,”. He also stated, “If there is a confrontation between us and the enemy from outside the region, definitely the scope [of the confrontation] will reach the oil issue,” and , “After this action [of Iran imposing controls on the Gulf waterway], the oil price will rise very considerably.”

Mojtaba Zolnour, a deputy with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying, “If Israel and the US fire a bullet or a missile at Iran, its forces will attack the heart of Israel and 32 American bases in the region before the dust from such an attack has settled,”.

Currently the price of oil is at $147 per barrel however this type of unwarranted action could easily drive it over the $200 per barrel threshold with devastating effects to the world’s economy. This talk of $200 a barrel oil is a reality and a certainty if you believe this recent quote from Saudi Arabia’s former oil minister, “If the US or Israeli forces attack Iran…the oil price would go up to $200[/bbl] immediately.

Even with opposition from his own military commanders as well as the American populace who are unwilling to suffer the consequences of another foreign entanglement President Bush moves his deadly agenda forward. As Pentagon officials call for a more pragmatic position and are firmly against such an operation which would also put our military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan in further peril George dismisses this out of hand.

As the Israeli government is soon to be presented by an administration with Barack Obama as the US President who would be steadfast in his opposition to such an operation Tel Aviv feels as though they must act quickly. Another Pentagon official has been quoted as saying, “If I were an Israeli I wouldn’t wait,”.

So George has told the Israeli government that it is okay with him if they disrupt the already fragile world economy no matter what the consequences for the world at large. So it is not out of the realm of reality that while our President has not yet gotten his wish to attack Iran it should be coming quite soon.

United States Lies, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima and Nagasaki untold Death & Destruction

The United States Government has always lied to its citizens with regularity in its history and the bombings and senseless Murder and Destruction at Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are no exception.

Yes the Japanese did bomb Pearl Harbor with 2897 Americans killed, 879 wounded, and 26 missing. It was an egregious act of cowardice; however did FDR know it would occur?

Pearl Harbor did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt know of the attack?

There are many who believe that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in fact know the attack was imminent. However at the time the USA was in an isolationist frame of mind and wanted no part of the conflict in Europe. This after the great loss of American lives in World War I; there were more than nine million soldiers and civilian deaths in that conflict on both sides.

After World War I the United States had become a country without a moral compass its citizens were only interested in their own lives and were not ready to suffer anymore causalities to another conflict. Remember that WWII started in 1939 and that the United States did not enter the war until the attack by the Japanese on December 7th, 1941 a full two years after the conflict had begun. The United States government wanted to enter World War II, but they needed a reason to get the people of the country to support their plans.

The bombing of Pearl Harbor could not have come at a better time and was seen as a way for FDR and as a byproduct the United States of America, to engage the people of this country in the conflict because of its horrific aftermath.

There were accounts that the United States had not broken the all important Japanese military codes prior to the attack, this was in fact a lie. There are now documents that have been released which paint a very frightening picture.

One out of the more than eighty three messages intercepted by the US Navy which were sent by the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto to his fleet commanders is the most damning which read in part, “…the task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow…”, this was sent November 25th 1941.

A future Presidential hopeful and opponent for FDR in the next election Thomas Dewey became aware that the Japanese code had previously been broken prior to the Pearl Harbor attack. He had hoped to use this against FDR in the 1944 election. His desire was to do a series of political speeches where he would charge that FDR new of the attacks and did nothing to overt the pending doom in Hawaii.

However the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General George Marshall talked to Thomas Dewey and told him that the Japanese were not aware that their code had been broken. Rather than place our American forces in harms way by compromising their intelligence gathering capabilities, Dewey relented and no speeches were given, FDR went on to win the election of 1944.

It was also previously stated that the Japanese Navy operated under strict radio silence this again was another lie otherwise the US Navy would not have intercepted eighty three messages that were sent to the Japanese fleet.

There were also those that were present when FDR heard the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor and they observed, “The President’s surprise was not as great as that of other men around him. Nor was the attack unwelcome. It had ended the past months of uncertainty caused by FDR’s decision that Japan must be seen to make the first overt move.”

It is more than probable that because of this cold calculating mindset that over 2897 American soldiers died needlessly just to give the United States the needed political and national momentum to enter the war.

The Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Why did President Truman order the slaughter of Seventy Thousand people in Hiroshima and another 40 to 70 thousand in Nagasaki and give the United States of America the historical distinction of being the only country in the world which has ever used a Nuclear device to devastate and destroy a nation?

The names were comical, Fat-man and Little Boy but the aftermath of their use in Japan was far from being anything of the sort. Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. Fat Man was dropped a few days later on Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945 with their deadly payloads.

But why did the US unleash this untold death and destruction when Japan clearly wanted to surrender? The Soviet’s under their leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and United States President Harry S. Truman all knew that the Emperor of Japan had accepted the terms of an unconditional surrender 19 days before the first atomic bomb was dropped.

President Truman knew the Japanese wanted to surrender however he was not going to allow the Soviet Union to be the peace broker as he feared they would gain the upper hand. He wanted to show the Soviet government and the world at large the destructive power that the United States had in its arsenal the loss of human life was just an afterthought to be dismissed.

From President Truman’s own handwritten diary an entry on July 18th, 1945, “Discussed Manhattan (it is a success). Decided to tell Stalin about it. Stalin had told P.M. (Churchill) of telegram from Jap emperor asking for peace…” This was nineteen days before the bombings, he knew yet he pursued the path of death and destruction.

Another diary entry this from an assistant to Secretary of State James F. Byrnes by Walter Brown, the entry from August 3rd, 1945. It was written that Byrnes, Admiral William D. Leahy and President Truman,”agrred [sic] Japas [sic] looking for peace. (Leahy had another report from Pacific) President afraid they will sue for peace through Russia instead of some country like Sweden.”

Manhattan Project scientist Leo Szilard recalled what Byrnes thought process was; “(Byrnes) was concerned about Russia’s postwar behavior. Russian troops had moved into Hungary and Rumania, and Byrnes thought it would be very difficult to persuade Russia to withdraw her troops from these countries, that Russia might be more manageable if impressed by American military might, and that a demonstration of the bomb might impress Russia.”

Yet President Truman bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki even though the Japanese government clearly wanted to surrender, all for the political gain the US would realize.

The United States stated that by dropping these bombs countless American soldiers’ lives would be saved. But no saving was needed the Japanese wanted to end the war and they unfortunately engaged the Soviet Union as their emissary, because of this for the first time in the history of the world Nuclear bombs were dropped for no reason other than to strengthen the mighty hand of the United States of America.

As a footnote in regards to the current Middle Eastern conflict in Iraq as well as the problems facing Israel, it is worth noting that the superpowers of the world in 1948 created the current atrocities. Again for personal gain the Middle East was chopped up and artificial countries and borders were created by the superpowers for economic and political reasons. If this had not occurred the war in which we are presently involved in would have never even been started in the first place. If the USA had never placed permanent military installations in Saudi Arabia the Twin Towers would still be part of the New York skyline as well for Osama bin Laden and his hatred for the United States would have never manifested itself within his mind.

When will the superpowers of the world learn, how many have to needlessly die?

FAIR USE NOTICE: This blog may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.

The United States Government has always lied to its citizens with regularity in its history and the bombings and senseless Murder and Destruction at Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are no exception.

Yes the Japanese did bomb Pearl Harbor with 2897 Americans killed, 879 wounded, and 26 missing. It was an egregious act of cowardice; however did FDR know it would occur?

Pearl Harbor did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt know of the attack?

There are many who believe that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in fact know the attack was imminent. However at the time the USA was in an isolationist frame of mind and wanted no part of the conflict in Europe. This after the great loss of American lives in World War I; there were more than nine million soldiers and civilian deaths in that conflict on both sides.

After World War I the United States had become a country without a moral compass its citizens were only interested in their own lives and were not ready to suffer anymore causalities to another conflict. Remember that WWII started in 1939 and that the United States did not enter the war until the attack by the Japanese on December 7th, 1941 a full two years after the conflict had begun. The United States government wanted to enter World War II, but they needed a reason to get the people of the country to support their plans.

The bombing of Pearl Harbor could not have come at a better time and was seen as a way for FDR and as a byproduct the United States of America, to engage the people of this country in the conflict because of its horrific aftermath.

There were accounts that the United States had not broken the all important Japanese military codes prior to the attack, this was in fact a lie. There are now documents that have been released which paint a very frightening picture.

One out of the more than eighty three messages intercepted by the US Navy which were sent by the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto to his fleet commanders is the most damning which read in part, “…the task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow…”, this was sent November 25th 1941.

A future Presidential hopeful and opponent for FDR in the next election Thomas Dewey became aware that the Japanese code had previously been broken prior to the Pearl Harbor attack. He had hoped to use this against FDR in the 1944 election. His desire was to do a series of political speeches where he would charge that FDR new of the attacks and did nothing to overt the pending doom in Hawaii.

However the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General George Marshall talked to Thomas Dewey and told him that the Japanese were not aware that their code had been broken. Rather than place our American forces in harms way by compromising their intelligence gathering capabilities, Dewey relented and no speeches were given, FDR went on to win the election of 1944.

It was also previously stated that the Japanese Navy operated under strict radio silence this again was another lie otherwise the US Navy would not have intercepted eighty three messages that were sent to the Japanese fleet.

There were also those that were present when FDR heard the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor and they observed, “The President’s surprise was not as great as that of other men around him. Nor was the attack unwelcome. It had ended the past months of uncertainty caused by FDR’s decision that Japan must be seen to make the first overt move.”

It is more than probable that because of this cold calculating mindset that over 2897 American soldiers died needlessly just to give the United States the needed political and national momentum to enter the war.

The Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Why did President Truman order the slaughter of Seventy Thousand people in Hiroshima and another 40 to 70 thousand in Nagasaki and give the United States of America the historical distinction of being the only country in the world which has ever used a Nuclear device to devastate and destroy a nation?

The names were comical, Fat-man and Little Boy but the aftermath of their use in Japan was far from being anything of the sort. Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. Fat Man was dropped a few days later on Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945 with their deadly payloads.

But why did the US unleash this untold death and destruction when Japan clearly wanted to surrender? The Soviet’s under their leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and United States President Harry S. Truman all knew that the Emperor of Japan had accepted the terms of an unconditional surrender 19 days before the first atomic bomb was dropped.

President Truman knew the Japanese wanted to surrender however he was not going to allow the Soviet Union to be the peace broker as he feared they would gain the upper hand. He wanted to show the Soviet government and the world at large the destructive power that the United States had in its arsenal the loss of human life was just an afterthought to be dismissed.

From President Truman’s own handwritten diary an entry on July 18th, 1945, “Discussed Manhattan (it is a success). Decided to tell Stalin about it. Stalin had told P.M. (Churchill) of telegram from Jap emperor asking for peace…” This was nineteen days before the bombings, he knew yet he pursued the path of death and destruction.

Another diary entry this from an assistant to Secretary of State James F. Byrnes by Walter Brown, the entry from August 3rd, 1945. It was written that Byrnes, Admiral William D. Leahy and President Truman, “agrred [sic] Japas [sic] looking for peace. (Leahy had another report from Pacific) President afraid they will sue for peace through Russia instead of some country like Sweden.”

Manhattan Project scientist Leo Szilard recalled what Byrnes thought process was; “(Byrnes) was concerned about Russia’s postwar behavior. Russian troops had moved into Hungary and Rumania, and Byrnes thought it would be very difficult to persuade Russia to withdraw her troops from these countries, that Russia might be more manageable if impressed by American military might, and that a demonstration of the bomb might impress Russia.”

Yet President Truman bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki even though the Japanese government clearly wanted to surrender, all for the political gain the US would realize.

The United States stated that by dropping these bombs countless American soldiers’ lives would be saved. But no saving was needed the Japanese wanted to end the war and they unfortunately engaged the Soviet Union as their emissary, because of this for the first time in the history of the world Nuclear bombs were dropped for no reason other than to strengthen the mighty hand of the United States of America.

As a footnote in regards to the current Middle Eastern conflict in Iraq as well as the problems facing Israel, it is worth noting that the superpowers of the world in 1948 created the current atrocities. Again for personal gain the Middle East was chopped up and artificial countries and borders were created by the superpowers for economic and political reasons. If this had not occurred the war in which we are presently involved in would have never even been started in the first place. If the USA had never placed permanent military installations in Saudi Arabia the Twin Towers would still be part of the New York skyline as well for Osama bin Laden and his hatred for the United States would have never manifested itself within his mind.

When will the superpowers of the world learn, how many have to needlessly die?

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The United States’ new backyard

When the US decided that its backyard would in future be a greater Middle East – from Pakistan to Morocco – it imagined that it could rearrange the region to suit itself. The results have been disastrous and will be long-lasting

By Alain Gresh Read more of this post

Can George W Bush for once act like the President rather than a spoiled child!

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