Republican Leadership Finally

During the run-up to the Presidential election in 2012 as Newt Gingrich is emerging as the Republican nominee for President we are also seeing coming trends for our legislators as well.

As our current President Barack Obama has faced nothing more than obstructionism from Congress mostly from the Republican controlled house. Our country is continually being faced with a long lingering recession. A recession brought on by the uncontrolled financial sector who attempted to destroy the economy of the United States as well as worldwide financial markets all in the name of generating obscene financial gains which could not be sustained.

Rather than truly addressing financial reform our present Congress has done nothing but attack regulation, medicare, social security and promoted tax breaks for the über wealthy or extensions of costly tax breaks from the previous Bush administration along with trying to aid the oil industry and not representing the people they swore and oath to serve.

The Republican controlled House of Representatives has taken on the persona of a college fraternity playing games with the American people as they try their best to destroy the President at every opportunity. Rather than trying to dig the United States out of the worst recession in decades where tens of millions of citizens are needlessly suffering the game must go on. They have only submitted bills that they knew well in advance would never pass muster or become law. To them it’s just another game as they try to unseat our President no matter what he might honestly try to do for the good of our country and the people who live, work and die here.

Instead of generating more revenue with a modest increase on those with significant wealth along with the top 1% of wealthy Americans they would rather attack the poor. Even though the billionaire Warren Buffett has publicly stated that he and other wealthy Americans want to be taxed more, the Republican controlled Congress does not want to hear a word of it.

Even though a recent study came in with the results that over $2 Trillion dollars are sitting on the sidelines that could safely bring unemployment down to 5% across this country banks and corporations are playing the game as well in concert with their Republican allies all in the name of unseating President Barack Obama for whatever reason or stake they might have as they to toy with the American public.

So even though Newt Gingrich who has never been the personification of a decent human being will win the Republican Presidential nomination and then be soundly defeated by our current President who will see a second term in office, the game must go on while ordinary American’s suffer.

However our Republican Congressional legislators might consider acting responsibly by doing what is right and honestly representing the people they swore an oath to instead of answering to their lobbyists who control their every move as this is the current environment in Washington.

A recent national survey should give them a reason to reconsider their current obstructionist stance. As recent results have shown an overwhelming amount of registered Republican voters are getting fed up with their current Republican Congressional (so-called) representatives in both houses. The Anti-Incumbent Sentiment results of the survey are in and it does not bode well for the likes of John Boehner, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to name a few whose political careers are on the chopping block.

As of December 2011 a full 67% of registered voters Do Not want to see most members of Congress reelected. Also as for their current districts representatives not being reelected the figure has climbed to 33% from 28% in 2006 and as Republican Congressional obstructionism continues unabated the figure can only be expected to climb higher in the coming months.

These recent figures represent an all time high for the survey as these are the highest figures the Pew Center has reported since it began its work over 18 years ago.

This along with a recent Gallup poll that found that a full 76% of voters feel that most members of Congress do not deserve reelection, this is more than just a passing fancy that will just go away. Coupling these recent surveys along with polls by the New York Times, CBS News, ABC News, Fox News, AP and the Washington Post which all show all-time low approval ratings for Congressional members does not show a bright future for the Republican party. In all Republicans are bearing the brunt of American outrage as their Democratic counterparts are being seen as more honest and ethical along with their ability to better manage our American government.

Furthermore 55% of voters feel that the Republican party is more extreme in it’s positions versus 33% for Democrats. While Democrats were viewed by 51% as being more willing to work with the their Republican colleagues who only rated 25% in this category.

Most of the criticism of Congress which is pointed at Republican members is coming from the Republican parties own registered voters.

While it might not be too late for the likes of John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to start to act responsibly and honestly address this country’s economic issues in a mature fashion their current obstructive stances do not bode well for the future of the Republican party.

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Forget a US green card the European Union wants you to try Blue instead!

The European Union is working on offering “Blue Cards” to entice the needed highly skilled migrants that are so desired for the growth of various members who total 27 nations.

They plan on offering housing and financial benefits as well as guaranteeing at least three times the minimum wage in the country concerned plus health insurance, as this is a requirement for an applicant to apply. Furthermore they will fast track the issuance to those who apply as long as they have a contract for one year’s labor and meet the salary and healthcare requirements. Read more of this post

$500 Million Pledged for Mexico and the lost War on Drugs

Hidden within President Bush’s $46 billion dollar budget request is a $500 million dollar funding package for Mexico and the lost war on drugs. Members of Congress already weary of the costs of the Iraqi conflict are looking on in dismay at the $500 million dollar request as well, which they complain was negotiated in secret meetings between the White House and the Mexican government.

The United States already has the distinction of being a nation with more of its citizens incarcerated than any other industrialized nation and these funds would only exacerbate an already alarming trend. Read more of this post